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I hope that you and your children all had a safe and fun Halloween!  Yes, yesterday was a school day so we had to do some work, however, we ended our day with a yummy treat and two fun stories to get us into the spirit of the day!  Many thanks to our room parents, Mrs. Zingaro, Mrs. Woods and Mr. Woods, for bringing warmth and Halloween spirit into our class community.  The stories even had good old-fashioned, "effects!" The giggles I heard confirmed that all had fun!  

I look forward to our mass this morning and hope to see many of you there. 

GBWY, always. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 01, 2018 at 7:13 AM
Good evening!  I hope this finds you all well.

I want to let you know that I appreciate all of your notes, prayers and the privacy you have afforded me during this very difficult time.  It will be nice to see the smiling faces of my little cherubs in the morning.  

I realize that the routine was different these last weeks; we were blessed to have confident help to make the days pass productively and maintain a positive, loving environment for your children. I am confident we will re-establish a routine smoothly. I will take some time this week to review and assess where we are.  I've planned a fun writing activity for this week; I'm sure the children will be using all sorts of new words soon!  

Again, thank you for your continued support, as together, we place our faith in God. 

God be with you. 

Mrs. Senno
Posted by Guest  On Oct 21, 2018 at 9:45 PM

1.  Students must write their FIRST  and LAST  names on EVERYTHING. 

2. Parents must Sign all homework. 



Posted by Guest  On Oct 03, 2018 at 3:36 PM
Math Test:  I'm not sure what happened!  I think a case of the nerves took hold of some children.  I decided to let them take the test home and fix and/or finish it.  We will go over it tomorrow and take a new test on Wednesday.  I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.  I try to make each experience as positive as possible.  Thanks, as always, for your understanding and support. 

Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2018 at 3:21 PM
What glorious sleeping weather! open, breeze blowing in, down comforter snuggled around me... delightful!

I hope you are all enjoying this first weekend of Autumn.   

Please remember that your child has no school on Tuesday.  We, teachers, are attending Mass and a lecture at the Westchester County Center in White Plains.  Please, keep us in your prayers as we travel a distance from our homes and we will keep you in our prayers during the special mass. 

The children are asked to do Monday and Tuesday night homework only for spelling.  We will work on catching up on everything else during class time.  It helps to keep our spelling on schedule as much as possible.  Thanks for your diligence in keeping them on-task at home. 

Top Tastes of the Town is on Monday evening; that is always a fun, delicious evening!

You may notice that I made a few name changes to the links menu... sorry if it stumped you.  I am trying to streamline the number of links.  I'll be grouping subjects together as much as possible. 

We are starting to read "Frog and Toad Together" in class this week.  I've posted vocabulary words to review at home.  There will be a vocabulary/comprehension test on the book when it is completed.  I will, of course, let you know.  If you have the book at home it could only help to practice reading it at home.  I do not have enough copies for the children to take the books home for practice.  That will be the case with all of our "Book Club" books throughout the year.  I am exploring how to make my own "ebooks".  If anyone can help, please get in touch with me.  It's something I've wanted to do for a while, I'm not completely sure how to best go about this.... will I be breaking copyright laws?  I'll have to find out.  With that said, I know that many of the books are available as Kindle books.  Sometimes they are available on Youtube... someone reads them aloud... I could do that!   Please let's not forget we have local libraries!   

Math Exit Tickets:  We are not getting these in print form this year.  I do use them as a review and then they are used as a study guide.  I will upload them onto the Math link on my webpage.  I will also upload the answer keys...not at the same time.  You can use them at home as a resource to prepare for quizzes and tests. 

As a reminder, Red Folders will be going home this week. Please sign the tests/ quizzes and send them back in the folder to me.  Thanks for your help!

Stay "cool!"


Posted by Guest  On Sep 23, 2018 at 3:17 PM
We made it through our first full week of 2nd grade.... well almost!  I think we are off to a great start.  I'm enjoying the children and look forward to a wonderful year ahead. 

I am sending home the Reading Response Log today.  There are three entries required each week.  You have a week to complete each log.  I will not send you copies each week.  I've attached a PDF for you to download on the PRINTABLES page of my website.  Please download your own copy each week.  Or, you can simply make copies of the one I send home today. 
This first log is due on the 24th... I think I made a calendar error when I last wrote about the log... my apologies!

A reminder:    Please sign all homework.  

Have a great weekend... I'm trying to work my schedule to make it to Community Day... I hope to see you there!

God be with you...
Posted by Guest  On Sep 13, 2018 at 11:34 PM

There will be a spelling quiz this Friday. Unit 1 Week 1 Only the memory words will be on the quiz.  You can find the list on the Superkid Words link on this web page. The children will also have the words in their Superkids Workbook. 

Each word will be used in a sentence and the students must write the word.   This week there are 12 memory words.  The individual quizzes accumulate for the quarter to make 1 quiz grade each quarter. 

Next week with Unit 1 Week 2 the spelling quiz will have 15 words.  All of the memory words and 3 pattern words. 

Beginning next Friday with Unit 1 Week 2 words there will be another quiz. This is the dictation quiz.  The children will listen to 2 - 3 sentences dictated to them and they must write the sentences correctly including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. These sentences are not new to them.  Almost every day, as part of our daily routine the children listen to words and sentences dictated and then write them and self-correct them from answers displayed on the board.  On a good week, they will have at least 8 sentences dictated to them.  These sentences contain words from the current week, as well as any word from any previous weeks that they have been introduced to and should know how to spell.  There will be both memory words and pattern words on these quizzes.  As the children become more proficient in spelling and dictation I will go farther back in the quarter for sentences previously assessed to continually review and maintain good spelling and sentence structure. The notebook that they do their homework in will have the class dictation sentences for review. As with the spelling quiz, these dictation quizzes will accumulate over the quarter for one dictation quiz grade per quarter.
The children will receive direction regarding the above this week in school; if you speak with them about it now they will not know what you are referring to.  My intention in creating this post is to keep you informed and in the loop. 

As always, if you need further guidance or instruction, email me. 

God be with you. 

Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2018 at 7:02 PM
WE HAD A GREAT FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL..... but, oh boy, it was a hot one!

 A lot of routines and time getting acquainted, lunch, recess, music class, evacuation drill, finding our seats in church and ice pops... and poof, the day was over!

I think I got smiles from everyone!  Welcome to our new students and families; I look forward to meeting you on Thursday evening. Let's hope that the heat dissipates by then. It was less than ideal today. 

Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2018 at 9:17 PM

Can it be... is it for real... summer is dwindling away!

It has been a busy summer for me. I'm not quite back to school yet... I'll be in the classroom next week to start getting ready for my new students.  I'm so excited to welcome you back to school as second graders!  We have a big year ahead ... TWO SACRAMENTS... WOW!  You are going to grow to be so close to Jesus; he loves you so much!  

I wanted to remind you to go to mass today... It is a holy day of obligation... the Feast of the Assumption when Mary was taken, bodily into Heaven. We are going to learn more about Mary this year.  We will even celebrate her birthday when we get back to school.

I can't wait to read your book reports; my students always find interesting and fun books to read.  You will see that doing your Simple Solutions Math will help you step right into 2nd-grade math. Problem-solving with the new strategies you will learn this year will be fun! 

I'm looking forward to seeing your beautiful smiles on September 5th. 

God be with you...

Mrs. Senno
Posted by Guest  On Aug 15, 2018 at 8:03 AM
Where has the time gone? 

Your children have grown in so many ways this year!  I feel blessed and proud to have been their teacher.  

These next 11 days are sure to be filled with learning, fun, and emotions; I plan on making the most of each minute the children and I share together.  

I will keep you all in my prayers as the lazy days of summer envelope me. 

I will see you in September when you are parents to 3rd graders!


Posted by Guest  On Jun 05, 2018 at 9:57 PM
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