When I first started with Drama Club I asked the students to label their club, thereby having something they can invest in. We name clubs so we can stand behind them, get involved and have something conceptual as well as tangible to belong to.
After brainstorming in groups and then several rounds of blind voting - the students chose their name for this year:
“Rulers Of The Scenes!”
So the producers of Dear, Edwina will be the Rulers Of The Scenes.
We also discussed leadership which is necessary to the health of any organization. More importantly, developing leadership skills will aid the student in any field as they go forward.
The students nominated themselves and then we blind voted again. Here are the results:
President - Liam Nestler
Vice President - Emma Drumm
Secretary - Abby DeFrancesco
Treasurer - Jamieson Druckenmiller
Publicity - Lily Graves and Olivia D’Alessandro
We did put together a “shadow” system where 7th graders were to learn so they could take over leadership next year, however; many of those were not prepared to actually participate fully so this is something we will be working on.
Congratulations to the leaders this year!